There are about 25 different types, Perennial plant flowering in June - October with smooth or hairy leaves according to species. The plant also reproduces by vegetative reproduction by offshoots of sub-surface. The leaves are glands containing aromatic oil containing menthol material used in dentistry, aromatherapy and as a spice for food and beverage industry mainly cigarettes. British cuisine makes extensive use of peppermint flavoring lamb dishes and fill with chocolate cream. Menthol molecule acts on the ends of temperature-sensitive cells and increases their sensitivity to cold. This small molecule is soluble in oil (hydrophobic) that can penetrate through the layer of the pharynx Hafitno and reach the nerves responsible for feeling of heat and cold. Eating mint or mint mouth closed will not feel "fresh" but causes slight cooling after menthol inhalation on the nerve endings will cause a strong feeling of cold.
Folk Medicine: acceptable use of the mint decided to treat nausea, indigestion, intestinal gas, colds, fever and headache. Mint is classified as helping to relieve intestinal spasms, and aid proper operation of the digestive system. Mint oil is classified as a medicine, soothing and stimulating effect bile secretions and digestion. Jig has anti-bacterial properties as well as oil has a calming effect external skin care. Frequent guest remedy.
Uses: seasoning, sauces, soft drinks and spirits, cigarettes, sweets. Volatile oil peppermint affects the stomach and therefore easy anesthesiologist helps relieve nausea or vomiting due to pregnancy or traveling. We recommend using peppermint IBD and breezed, colds and assistance to improve breathing.